
How To Care For Peace Lily Plants

Master Peace Lily cares through our detailed guide. Get tips on proper watering, light, soil, and maintenance to keep your plant thriving.

Peace Lily Care Guide

How To Care For Peace Lily

A Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) is an attractive houseplant with glossy green leaves and white spathes – making them the perfect plant to keep under low-maintenance conditions in any bright bathroom! Peace Lilies are generally easy to grow and relatively trouble-free plants.

Peace lily derives its name from its white flowers that resemble white flags (a symbol of peace). Though technically not classified as a lily but more specifically an Arum, Peace Lilies belong to the same family as Zantedeschia and lords-and-ladies Arum maculatum as well as less obvious plants such as Swiss Cheese Plant Monstera and Dumb Cane Dieffenbachia – making them easy and quick plants to cultivate for purifying air quality.

Peace Lilies Thrive in Bright, Indirect Light:

However, for optimal flower production, they require at least 8-10 hours of direct light each day and cannot produce blooms in deep shade. Peace lilies usually begin blooming in early spring with each flower lasting four weeks and should flower by early summer; if your peace lily hasn’t bloomed yet this may indicate its maturity hasn’t yet reached. Here are tips for caring for peace lilies!

Grow peace lily in an area that receives indirect sunlight, but does not direct it directly onto it. Water regularly to keep the compost moist but not wet, for best results.

In spring and summer, use liquid house-plant food every two weeks. Also remember to deadhead spent blooms regularly, dust or wipe leaves regularly, dust them as required, and ensure adequate photosynthesis occurs to maximize photosynthesis rates. In dry rooms, it may also be beneficial to mist around leaves from time to time to increase humidity levels.

Keep in mind that peace lily leaves, if eaten in large quantities, may lead to tongue swelling or vomiting.

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Where to Place a Peace Lily:

Where to Place peace lily

For optimal growth, peace lilies require bright indirect lighting with protection from cold drafts; choose an area away from doors and fireplaces where possible. These tropical-adapted flowers thrive best when kept in humid environments such as bathrooms or kitchens.

How to Pot a Peace Lily:

Select a pot no more than a third larger than its rootball and fill two-thirds of it with peat-free multipurpose or houseplant compost before planting your peace lily and filling its hole with more compost as you go around its root ball. Water well before leaving it alone so the excess moisture drains off naturally.

Caring for Peace Lilies:

Water your peace lily regularly so its compost never completely dries out, yet is also not waterlogged. As a general guideline, wait until the top few centimeters have dried out before watering again. If you don’t water frequently enough you will soon notice; that peace lilies wilt when dehydrated – simply adopt a regular watering regime and water again whenever the top few centimeters dry out.

Feed your peace lily twice monthly during spring and summer using liquid plant food according to its manufacturer’s instructions.

Keep repotting your peace lily to a larger pot with fresh compost every few years to prevent its roots from being compromised; peace lilies thrive when their roots are somewhat constrained; however, repeated watering without results in regular wilting, which could indicate it outgrowing its current container.

Peace Lily Care: Pests and Problem-Solving

Small flies near your compost may be signs of fungus gnats, which thrive in humid compost conditions. You could try watering less often to break their lifecycle or place homemade traps containing sweet-scented squash, wine, or beer as these attract them – or applying an organic pesticide like Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

Yellow Leaves – While an occasional yellow leaf is natural, overwatering your peace lily may cause yellowing to take place resulting in yellowed foliage. Allowing some soil drying may make a difference.


Brown edges on your peace lily leaves are an indicator that they may be receiving too much direct sunlight, which should be rectified by moving them to somewhere more shaded (ideally somewhere bright but out of the direct sun). For more advice on buying peace lilies click here.


Q1. How to maintain a peace lily plant?
To maintain a peace lily plant:

  • Keep soil moist, 
  • Provide indirect light, and 
  • Occasionally wipe the leaves to remove dust.

Q2. Do peace lilies need sunlight?
Yes, peace lilies need bright and  indirect sunlight.

Q3. How often should I water my peace lily everyday?
No, only water your peace lily when the top inch of soil is dry. It is usually once a week.

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