
About Us

Real Gardens From Real People

Gardening can be easy and won’t break the bank; even those without massive yards can reap its many advantages by growing food for themselves – I started gardening with 1000 square feet, which yields enough produce for my family of three! With some creativity and resourcefulness, even small areas can become gardens! Harvesting fresh veggies from seed to table is immensely satisfying – not to mention being an amazing opportunity for family bonding activities outdoors, learning together, and taking pride in seeing what has grown from your efforts! Don’t let lack of space hinder you – get gardening today and watch how quickly it blooms!

Our purpose at Gardening Habits

Our purpose with  Gardening Habit is to document everything we’ve learned and share our mistakes so that, hopefully, you’ll avoid them. Gardening is about a whole lot more than just putting seeds in the ground. Explore this blog and you will learn about:

  • Setting up your raised beds
  • Learning the no-dig method and using your soil
  • Composting, even if it may sound complicated
  • Starting seedlings and always having them ready
  • Caring for plants, watering, weeding
  • Efficient storing in the root cellar
About us gardening habits

Meet Our Team

Leah Robinson

Editor & Gardening Writer

A horticulturist with a passion for sustainable gardening practices

Dan D. Connor

Gardening Expert

A landscape designer renowned for creating stunning outdoor spaces

Thomas J. Turner

Gardening Expert

A botanist specializing in native plant conservation.