
Best Terrariums Plants

Terrarium plants are small, low-maintenance plants suited for enclosed glass containers. They thrive in high humidity and require minimal care.

What Are Terrarium Plants?

what are terrarium plants

A terrarium is a houseplant display grown in a sealed glass container, such as a large bottle with a cork stopper. The plants plants for terrariums create their miniature gardens within this unique environment; typically sealed or closed terrariums offer warm, humid environments, while open terrariums tend to have much dryer conditions; Accordingly, terrarium plants may be appropriate choices depending on whether your terrarium is open or closed.

Terrarium plants should be low maintenance, slow growing, and compact so they do not outgrow their space quickly.

What Plants Should I Put in My Terrarium?

A closed terrarium provides an environment that emulates: 

  • a tropical climate, 
  • complete with plenty of heat, 
  • humidity, and 
  • relatively low light levels. 

Therefore, ideal terrarium plants for this environment include tropical species that thrive in moist environments with indirect sunlight but are compact enough for easy caretaking.

25 Terrarium Plants

25 best Terrarium Plants

1. Fittonia (Nerve Plant):

The nerve plant (Fittonia) is an outstanding choice for a closed terrarium. Boasting colorful and patterned foliage in various shades, its vibrant design fits seamlessly with many planting schemes or larger color-coordinated displays. Easy care requirements make the Nerve Plant one of the top options available, and thrives even in humid environments with reduced light levels – truly making it one of the ideal plants to keep in a closed terrarium environment!

2. Asparagus Setaceus:

Asparagus setaceus makes an excellent terrarium plant, as its tree-like structure fits into some designs as an elegant miniature garden aesthetic. Be mindful that asparagus ferns can be mildly toxic for humans and pets, with tiny thorns on their stems scratching your skin if handled too much and potentially turning their leaves brown over time.

3. Moss:

Terrariums offer ideal environments for the growth and health of moss, which needs constant moisture and indirect sunlight for its survival. Moss serves as the perfect foil for other plants – drape it around stones or use it to cover compost. You can purchase cushion moss from specialty suppliers for your terrarium, sheet moss from your garden, and cushion moss from cushion suppliers for an even greater variety!

4. Peperomia:

The Peperomia genus encompasses thousands of species that thrive in humid, indirect light conditions – perfect for beginner terrarium growers! You’ll have your choice between trailing (Pepperspot) or large-leaved Peperomia species such as Obtusfolia Mini Rubber Plant and Raindrop Peperomia), plus foliage varieties like Peperomia Argyreia Watermelon Peperomia for you to select from.

5. Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya):

There are various varieties of the polka dot plant, each boasting leaves in hues ranging from pink, purple, red, or white and green white and green. They thrive in warm conditions with humidity as they remain compact while growing slowly – ideal for use in closed terrariums! Remember though that these plants require bright but indirect lighting so may grow towards it instead of your desired display if the lighting in your enclosure is too dim compared to what you intended.

6. Pilea:

Nearly all plants belonging to the Pilea genus thrive in closed terrariums as they prefer warmer, humid environments without direct sunlight. Genus members include friendship plants (Pilea peperomioides), baby tears (Pilea depressa), and artillery fern (Pilea microphylla), among many others. A standout among this range is Moon Valley Pilea (Pilea mollis). Baby tears and silver sparkle pileas work as accent plants that provide texture while providing contrast against more vibrant foliage displays; while friendship plants are larger type and suitable for larger terrarium settings.

7. Creeping fig (Ficus pumila):

This delightful creeping plant with fresh green, heart-shaped leaves quickly acts as ground cover in your terrarium before beginning its climb up the walls – often creeping upwards onto them as well. Creeping fig thrives in high humidity environments and should ideally be grown as part of an enclosed terrarium rather than as an open house plant – no direct sunlight is needed though more light than other terrarium plants is preferable or it may become leggy over time.

8. Arrowhead vine (Syngonium):

There is an array of arrowhead vines (Syngonium), each boasting different-colored leaves and shapes, that are easy to maintain in low-light environments, making them perfect for beginning terrarium owners. Over time they may outgrow their space but cutting it back will quickly return them into shape. Or for something even smaller try seeking out Syngonium Pixie which offers cream-white leaves complemented with green edges – it makes a fantastic moisture-loving plant when combined with plants such as ferns!

9. Spike Moss (Selaginella):

Spike moss features attractive branching foliage resembling that of moss, making it difficult to care for in a standard home environment but straightforward in an enclosed terrarium environment. Use spike moss as an accent plant or groundcover in your display, keeping the compost moist but not waterlogged; avoid direct sunlight which may scorch its leaves; for extra interest opt for Selaginella Ruby Red as an added choice!

10. Strawberry Begonia (Saxifraga stolonifera):

This creeping plant with round olive green leaves bearing silver spots along its veins is technically known as Saxifraga stolonifera and commonly referred to as mother of thousands because one plant will quickly produce shoots on which hundreds of baby plants grow out along their lengths. Also renowned as “mammy,” Strawberry begonia makes an excellent terrarium plant due to its compact growth habit that will quickly carpet the base of any display providing a backdrop against which other plants.

11. Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura):

This unique species of Maranta leuconeura gets its name from its habit of folding up its leaves at night as though praying. Most varieties feature striking midrib splotches and red veining on their leaves – making this plant the star attraction in any display! Terrariums make an excellent home for this beautiful specimen as humidity promotes rapid growth – though if not receiving enough light its leaves won’t open during the daytime – ideal terrariums where humidity promotes proper humidity levels – larger terrariums should provide enough light; when growing to maximum height 30cm prayer plants should be kept near a window so they receive bright indirect lighting – or keep near a window where bright indirect light will ensure best success!

12. Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum):

Pothos is an indestructible houseplant, making it the ideal starter terrarium plant. It thrives in low light, doesn’t require much watering, and thrives in humid environments – perfect conditions for new growers! Unfortunately, it grows quickly so regular pruning back may be required to keep its size at an acceptable size – its green leaves with cream variegation add a beautiful contrast with other plants in your terrarium and will continue to look beautiful over the years!

13. African Violet (Streptocarpus):

African violets thrive in free-draining compost, bright but indirect light, and high humidity conditions; making them the ideal candidate for enclosed terrariums. Their leaves must not touch the edge of the glass because this traps moisture and leads to mold growth; for best results ensure there is plenty of space within your terrarium for their development; plant it near other plants so its leaves don’t contact with any surfaces directly, such as edges. For optimal results plant in a central position with other plants around it to reduce chances of growing into surfaces touching it or touching edges touching.

14. Earth Star:

Earth Star Plant is native to Brazilian forest floors and features lush, flat rosette foliage in shades of green, red, and purple. Due to its outward growth habitat, it makes an excellent terrarium display as its leaves cover substrate or compost gradually without outgrowing their available space quickly. Like all suitable plants for closed terrarium environments Earth Star thrives under bright indirect light with moderate warmth and humidity levels.

15. Jewel orchid (Ludisia discolor):

Of all of the jewel orchid species available today, Ludisia discolor is among the easiest to cultivate. A stunning plant for any terrarium display, Ludisia discolor has dark green leaves with pink-striped veining that stand out against reddish-tinged leaf stems – not only will this beauty stand out but Ludisia discolor also produces one white flower spike each year and thrives best under moist compost with high humidity and medium light; however, if your terrarium sits near windows then consider planting Ludisia discolor in an understory position so it won’t be exposed too early by too bright light conditions which could cause the leaves to fade into light pink-red tones instead.

16. Air plants (Tillandsia):

Air plants (Tillandsia) are fascinating plants that don’t need soil to survive. Instead, in nature these epiphytes attach themselves to tree bark or another host such as another host plant, drawing water and nutrients through their leaves into their body through epiphytic attachments. Air plants therefore make excellent low-maintenance additions to an open terrarium setting and are an ideal beginner plant choice.

Simply place an air plant into a terrarium on its own or mount it on a stone or piece of wood; or create a more elaborate display by adding other plants, pebbles, and even fairy lights to its display. Just remember to remove it at least once every week and give it some attention by misting or submerging it into a bowl of water, before returning it to its terrarium home.

17. Echeveria:

Echeverias are one of the most versatile succulent plants, boasting an array of colors and shapes that make it an excellent addition to an open terrarium display. Their fleshy leaves make them drought tolerant so they grow well among other succulents and cacti; when conditions allow it, Echeverias even produce gorgeous blooms on long stems, adding beauty to your display!

18. Cacti:

Slow-growing cacti need almost no care at all, making them ideal for open terrariums. Use various cacti types and mulch with sand to create an authentic desert landscape or combine with succulents for an earthier effect. However, because cacti cannot survive in humid environments such as an enclosed room, ensure your open terrarium has plenty of openings and ample airflow so your display lasts as long as possible.

19. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata):

These decorative, easy-care plants make an attractive addition to open terrariums; just remember they need regular watering! Bonsai enthusiasts might try cultivating one to shape into a miniature tree shape – otherwise use young specimens and swap out when their size becomes unmanageable for your space.

20. Button Fern (Pallaea Rotundifolia):

Called the Button Fern due to its round button-like leaves, Pallaea rotundifolia is an easy-care fern that’s more drought resistant than many others; however, it does need more humidity than succulents and cacti. Slow growing with compact growth that features evergreen, leathery leaves it makes this species suitable for open terrarium environments.

21. Haworthias:

Haworthias are ideal plants to add to an open terrarium because they require minimal care and watering, are slow-growing, and come in an impressive variety of shapes and colors – they make a fantastic focal point. Good varieties to select include Haworthia fasciata (dark green leaves with white stripes), Haworthia tessellata (triangular leaves with square patterns), or Haworthia trunacata with irregularly shaped leaves in rows. Position your terrarium near a window so your haworthias will flourish and flourish!

Read about 10 Hardy Perennial Onions to Grow in Your Vegetable Garden

22. Mexican Snowball (Echeveria Elegans):

Echeveria elegans makes an attractive display in an open terrarium, ideally pairing well with succulents and cacti. Easily adaptable for space limitations, its pale green-blue foliage will gradually spread into small colonies over time, sending out yellow flowers on long stems (you can trim these off if you prefer to focus solely on its foliage display). Grow it on a free-draining substrate near a window to receive ample lighting; and water sparingly; for an especially striking display consider Echeveria ‘Blue Frills’ for its stunning display capabilities!

23. Ox Tongue (Gasteria batesiana):

Gasterias have smooth, paired leaves that resemble tongues – thus earning them their common name of Ox Tongue (Gasteria batesiana). They make for striking combinations when combined with other succulents in displays or used in terrariums with items like stones. Gasteria batesiana needs bright yet indirect light (it can tolerate lower lighting levels than most succulents) and should receive ample drainage from its compost or substrate while receiving regular watering (ideally just before drying out occurs).

24. Crassula Buddha’s Temple:

Crassula ‘Buddha’s Temple’ is an eye-catching succulent with vertical leaves resembling Chinese temples, making it the ideal centerpiece of an open terrarium. Place in direct sunlight with minimal water usage.

25. Burro’s Tail:

Left alone, the burro’s tail will eventually form an unruly long string that may spread beyond your terrarium’s boundaries; but with proper management, its various-shaped growth habits add complexity to displays. Burro’s Tail should be used alongside other succulents or cacti in well-lit locations using a free-draining potting mix containing free drainage channels.

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